Lobby for the Rivers Day is an in-person program at the MA Statehouse in Boston, run by our partners at the Mass Rivers Alliance.
Register today! https://www.massriversalliance.org/lobbyday2023
In 2019, we had 100 participants. In 2021, it was 170. Our community is growing, and so is our presence in the legislature.
Whether it's your first time speaking to a legislator, or you're a seasoned advocate, everyone is welcome to join. Together we'll speak up for rivers and make our communities more resilient to climate change. It’s a community effort to demonstrate to policymakers how much residents care about river protection.
Legislators want to hear from their constituents, and Lobby for the Rivers Day is the perfect opportunity to get involved.
No experience necessary! Just sign up at https://www.massriversalliance.org/lobbyday2023