Hosted by the SNEP Network, a Blackstone Collaborative partner and sponsor.
Since 2018, EPA’s Southeast New England Program (SNEP) has been working with its program partners to bring funding and technical assistance to the communities, tribes, and watershed organizations through the SNEP region. SNEP’s partnership with the SNEP Watershed Implementation Grants (SWIG) Program and the SNEP Network has enabled many organizations to successfully carry out complex planning and restoration projects. This webinar will highlight a few of them, including the Childs River restoration project managed by the Falmouth Rod and Gun Club, Save the Bay’s restoration plan to Restore Water Quality in Barrington’s Hundred Acre Cove, the launch of the Blackstone River Watershed Collaborative, and a new initiative between the SNEP Network and the Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe to address harmful algal blooms in Santuit Pond.
This Webinar and Panel Discussion is hosted by EPA’s Southeast New England Program.